Monday, August 10, 2009

Context, Colombia

Colombian contemporary society evolved from a violent origin long before its establishment as an autonomous democratic republic in the XIX century. Our territory and its people have been affected by the struggle between military and political powers since the spanish invasion in the XVI century until the present day.

High rates of aggression are registered today in our communities due to a low capability of solving disputes in a positive way. Its main causes are failures in the educational system for generations in the matters of coverage and contents. Sports, recreation and outdoor activities are part of the scenarios where non pacific means for solving disputes are accepted.

The biggest sport in Colombia is soccer. Parents and teachers take it as a great citizen educator and an excellent outdoors group activity. Sometimes during its practice it can generate violence acts in the recreational and professional levels involving athletes and spectators. Ultimate has emerged as a powerful educational tool and an option for building non violent, responsible and equal communities.

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